British Friends of Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al Salam is a genuine UK registered
charity that provides training for teachers amongst others.
Please forward to Head of RE, Head of History, and headteacher!
Forthcoming Workshops
24/04 Brighton
I am writing to you about a unique opportunity for teachers to take part in our workshop on 24th of April 2009 in Brighton. We offer the only resource that properly addresses the Israeli / Palestinian conflict and at the same time offers conflict resolution skills to teachers and students alike. You may have heard about us before, but since then we have been praised by a variety of bodies. As such we have only last month been recommended by TES "Peace Teachings on Gaza", and the NUT International team, who carried out research on resources regarding conflict in the Middle East.
Daniel Zylbersztajn
Event Description
Encounter in Conflict (SfP - Wahat al-Salam ~ Neve Shalom)
A one day workshop introducing the method of encounter used in the School for Peace (SfP) in Wahat al-Salam ~ Neve Shalom (between Palestinians and Jews), as well as practically proposing unique suggestions for your own teaching here in Britain.
For attending teachers and youth workers our fully approved British education resource, "Dealing With Conflict" will be provided, which was featured in The Times Educational Supplement (TES 1990, and Feb. 2009), R.E. Today (summer 2008), and is recommended by a variety of professional bodies like DEA (Global Dimensions), DFES (for R.E.) and NUT (Teaching the Conflict in the Middle East Feb. 09).
This is a most rewarding one day injection of thought for anyone working with groups that are unbalanced and sometimes in conflict. It will give you practical skills that can be applied in a variety of learning environments. To your own students in class it will allow thinking through questions of complex identity, gives comprehension that one event may have different versions of experience and interpretation, it gives them conflict resolution and mediation skills, and a wider global outlook.
Our Teaching resource pack is line with the National School Curriculum Guidelines in keystage 3-5 in the following subject fields:
Citizenship Art
RE Geography
History Literature
Amongst others the education pack includes the only bi-national chronology in English of the Palestinian - Israeli conflict for UK school use, composed in meetings. The pack gives the general Jewish perspective on one side, and the general Palestinian on the other, which teaches students straight away that there are more than one version to each story.
Concepts could be used to fulfil schools obligations in:
Community Cohesion Mediation Skills
Interfaith Global Citizenship
The course will include:
1. Introduction to the method of the School for Peace in Palestinian / Jewish encounter. These include work with unbalances of power-relations between the participants in dialogue, based on post-colonial and psychological model theories as well as questions regarding the interpersonal and the inter group conflict.
2. Thinking behind the concepts disconnected from the Middle East as to what this could mean for your work here.
3. Examples and grasping of concepts from the teaching resource through physical role play.
4. Introduction to the Teaching Resource Dealing with Conflict and highlighting of its strengths.
5. Lesson planning for teachers using Dealing With Conflict
5. Networking with wide range of teachers and related professionals.
Your trainers are Susan Denton Brown, a former Head Teacher and current acting director of the Gandhi Foundation and Daniel Zylbersztajn who is amongst others also a trained mediator and studied violence on doctoral level at UCL until recently.
Brighton, Friends House, Ship Street: April 24th 9.30-17.00
Bookings are requested beforehand, and the rate for a one day workshop is only £70 / £50 (concessions) including the full print teaching pack and lunch. This rate is severely reduced due to funding from an outside body, the normal costs would be in teh region of 300 Pounds.
More details: here (
Last not least the resource can also be acquired outside the workshop, on its own.
For more details get in contact without hesitation