25 Sept 2010

Top Negotiation Leaders between Palestinians and Jews, here in the UK in conversation with Ian Black, Middle East editor of The Guardian

British Friends of Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam

Event: Outreach for Peace

Top Negotiation Leaders between Palestinians and Jews with 30 years experience, here in London

Ian Black, Middle East Editor of The Guardian,
in conversation with Dr. Nava Sonnenschein and Ahmad Hijazi
(Nava is Jewish and Ahmad Palestinian.  Both are Israeli citizens)

Monday 25th Oct, 2010, 6.30 p.m., Friends House, London (opposite Euston Station).

Nava and Ahmad will be talking about the renowned School for Peace (SfP),
noted throughout the world as a centre of excellence for conflict transformation.

Situated within a community which has defied every single conflict between
in the Middle East over more than 30 years, the SfP is creating peace
through its every-day work on the ground, and the never-ending thinking and
re-thinking on how to achieve this.

Nava and Ahmad will be telling their story, how they have been inspired to adopt
a life beyond the imagination of many, and the vital and important work at the
unique village of Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam.

Tickets £15, available through British Friends of Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam (Reg. UK Charity),
Premier House, 112  Station Rd, Edgware, HA8 7BJ, gillian.nswas@btconnect.com 020 8952 4717

Israel - Palestine - Middle East - Jews - Arabs - Palestinians - Conflict Resolution - Conflict Transformation - Neve Shalom -
Wahat al Salam - London Events - Peace - Community Cohesion