14 May 2010

Community Fun Run

Sunday 23rd May 2010
the Haberdashers Ake Boys School

Brand new 1k course plus 5k and 10k routes!

Run to support our peace village Oasis of Peace 
(Neve Shalom~Wahat al-Salam)

Register online www.communityfunrun.org or contact 02084572333

Held to account

British Friends of Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam Lawyers’ Group
in association with the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
are delighted to invite you to a symposium:

Held to Account:
Political and Military Leaders should be subject to trial in England for alleged war crimes committed abroad

27th May - 6p.m. Institute if Advanced Legal Studies
17 Russell Square, London WC1B 6DR

Chaired by
Joshua Rozenberg
One of Britain’s best-known media commentators on the law. BBC’s legal correspondent for 15 years until 2000 and then editor of the Daily Telegraph’s legal coverage until 2008. Trained as a solicitor he is frequently called on to chair or address legal conferences.

Philippe Sands QC
Professor of Law at University College London. Called to the Bar in
1985; appointed QC in 2003 and Bencher of Middle Temple in 2009.
Author of Lawless World (Penguin 2005) and Torture Team (2008),
touching respectively on responsibility for the illegal war in Iraq and
the crime of complicity in torture.
Joel Bennathan QC
Appointed QC in 2004. Has appeared for the defence in virtually every
major terrorist trial in recent years, and makes frequent appearances
before the Court of Appeal, the House of Lords (now the Supreme
Court) and the European Court of Human Rights.
Alex Bates
Called to the Bar 1994. Former UN Prosecutor at the Khmer Rouge
Tribunal in Cambodia and youngest ever International Prosecutor in
Kosovo. Lectures on war crimes trials law and has been published in a
recent collection of works on the criminal law of genocide
Iain Morley QC
Called to the Bar 1988 QC 2009. Practises internationally in genocide, crimes
against humanity, war crimes and international terrorism in The Hague and
Tanzania. In 2005 appointed to the UN International Criminal Tribunal for
Jonathan Kirk QC
Practitioner in Criminal Law. Appointed by the United Nations in 2005 to
represent the former Commerce Minister of Tanzania at the International
Criminal Tribunal in Tanzania. Author of two practitioners’ textbooks - The
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002: A Practical Guide; and Trading Standards, Law
and Practice.
Rodney Dixon
Co-author of Archbold International Criminal Courts; previously a solicitor
in South Africa and Counsel in Office of the Prosecutor of UN International
Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia. Called to the Bar 2000; practises
before all international criminal courts and has defended political leaders
and military commanders. Currently instructed (inter alia) in the case
concerning the arrest warrant issued for President Al-Bashir of Sudan.

Doors open: 5.30pm Start: 6.00pm Finish: 8.30pm
Charge: £10 in advance (£5 students in advance) £15 at the door (£7.50 students at the door)
After the symposium refreshments will be available
Please RSVP by 20th May - Book early as space is limited
British Friends of Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam ~ Premier House, 112 Station Road, Edgware, Middx. HA8 7BJ

Tel: 020 8952 4717 Email: gillian.g@oasisofpeaceuk.org